With Ripple Research, you can now access genuine bottom-up data: our Narrative Analytics tools and Emotion AI comb through hundreds of social and traditional media channels to surface what people are saying and how they feel about complex global issues. Additionally, we harness these datasets to isolate weak signals, reveal trends and upcoming areas of significance.

With Ripple Research, you will not only learn more about key public discussions and responses to far-reaching socio-cultural change, you will access data that we collect at scale. Our powerful tools are capable of analysing billions of open-access online posts, conversations and perceptions across geographies.

Don't just find out what people are saying. Go deeper and find out how they are reacting to a fast-changing world that is full of challenges and opportunities.

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Ripple Research operates at the intersection of data science, behavior change and social impact. With our Human+AI approach, we uncover higher order effects across critical topics ranging from COVID-19 to Climate Action.


Big Data for Solving Big Problems. At Ripple Research, we apply narrative analytics and machine learning at scale to surface audience perceptions around key topics.